How do I find the festival grounds?

Enter “Westland Promenade, Mazomanie, WI 53560” into a search engine. The Promenade is located in downtown Mazomanie

What if there is inclement weather?

The show will go on Rain-or-Shine (unless lightening is in the immediate vicinity)

How do I pay the day of?

Cash or Check payable to Mazomanie Charitable Alliance. Our West entrance also has a square card reader that will include a small processing fee.

I bought my ticket online, do I need to print it?

You’re welcome to, or just show the tickets on your mobile device at the entrance gates

Do children get in free?

Children 12 and under are free to all portions of the festival with a guardian

What parts of the festival require a ticket?

The main stage requires a ticket for admission. $15 in adv, $20 day of.

Can I bring my pets?

Well-behaved dogs on leash are welcomed at the festival.

What time can I arrive?

Music starts at 11am, gates to the main stage will open at 10:30am

Are seats assigned?

No – all tickets are general admission

Can I bring my own seating?

Yes! Chairs are provided in the tent, but feel free to bring lawn chairs and blankets for the space outside of the main tent

Where can I buy tickets the day of?

Either of the entrances to the main stage (Cash preferred, but cards can be accepted at the west entrance with a small fee)

How come you don’t have a senior discount?

Great music = great musicians = money! We challenge anyone to find a more affordable all-day music festival than our Gandy Dancer.

Where can I park?

Plenty of free street parking is available in downtown Mazomanie within walking distance of the festival

What about ADA parking?

ADA parking is available Mazo Village Office parking lot. Enter from Cramer Street, just before/after The Old Feed Mill.

What about re-entry to the festival?

Wristbands will be provided for re-entry

What is there to eat?

Local food vendors will offer a wide variety of options

What is there to drink?

Our Bar will offer a variety of beers and spiked seltzer waters. Soda and water will also be available for purchase.

Are carry-ins allowed?

Please support our wonderful local vendors. Thank you for your cooperation

Will public bathrooms be available?

Yes. Porta-potties, including those that can accommodate a chair, will be available at multiple locations. ADA accessible bathrooms are available in the Mazomanie Community Building, located near the flagpole downtown.