- How do I find the festival grounds? Enter “Westland Promenade, Mazomanie, WI 53560” into a search engine. The Promenade is located in downtown Mazomanie
- What if there is inclement weather? The show will go on Rain-or-Shine (unless lightening is in the immediate vicinity)
- How do I pay day of? – Cash, or Check payable to Mazomanie Charitable Alliance. Cell reception isn’t great for some providers, so electronic payments are reliable, unfortunately.
- I bought my ticket online, do I need to print it? You’re welcome to, or just show the tickets on your mobile device at the entrance gates.
- Do children get in free? Children 12 and under are free to all portions of the festival with a guardian
- What parts of the festival require a ticket? The main stage requires a ticket for admission. $15 in adv, $20 day of.
- Can I bring my pets? – Well-behaved dogs on leash are welcomed at the festival.
- What time can I arrive? Music starts at 11am, gates to the main stage will open at 10:30am
- Are seats assigned? No – all tickets are general admission
- Can I bring my own seating? Yes! Chairs are provided in the tent, but feel free to bring lawn chairs and blankets for the space outside of the main tent
- Where can I buy tickets the day of? Either of the entrances to the main stage (Cash preferred, but cards can be accepted at the west entrance)
- Where can I park? Plenty of free street parking is available in downtown Mazomanie within walking distance of the festival
- What about ADA parking? ADA parking is available Mazo Village Office parking lot. Enter from Cramer Street, just before/after The Old Feed Mill.
- What about re-entry to the festival? Wristbands will be provided for re-entry
- What is there to eat? Local food vendors will offer a wide variety of options
- What is there to drink? The Potosi Rolling Bar will offer a variety of beers, spiked seltzer waters, and non-alcoholic root beer. Soda and water will also be available for purchase.
- Are carry-ins allowed? Please support our wonderful local vendors. Thank you for your cooperation
- Will public bathrooms be available? Yes, porta-potties will be available at multiple locations. Fully ADA accessible bathrooms are available in the Mazomanie Community Building, (same location as Bug, Butterfly, Insect Exhibit) located near the flagpole downtown.